Այվազեան Արմէնը Պիտի Դասախօսէ Հոլիվուտի Մէջ

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«Արարատ» Ռազմավարագիտական կեդրոնի տնօրէն, քաղաքագիտութեան դոկտոր Արմէն Այվազեան, որ հիւրաբար կը գտնուի մեր գաղութը, քանի մը դասախօսութիւններ պիտի հրամցնէ հանրութեան «Ո՞վ է հայը» խորագրով: Այդ շարքի հերթական ձեռնարկը պիտի կայանայ Հոլիվուտի մէջ: Պիտի բանախօսէ նաեւ իր կինը՝ արեւելագիտութեան դոկտոր, Երեւանի պետական համալսարանի դասախօս, թրքագէտ եւ Օսմանագիտութեան կեդրոնի տնօրէն Լուսինէ Սահակեան՝ «Վիպասք զօրավար Անդրանիկի մասին» թեմայով:
Դասախօսութեան ընթացքին պիտի ցուցադրուի տեսաերիզ, եւ երգեր պիտի երգուին ու ասմունքներ պիտի ըլլան՝ հերոս Անդրանիկի նուիրուած:
Ձեռնարկը կը հովանաւորէ ՀՕՄԻ Արեւմտեան Ամերիկայի Շրջանային վարչութիւնը« իսկ կազմակերպիչներն են ՀՕՄի «Մայր» մասնաճիւղը եւ «Արարատ» Ռազմավարագիտական կենդրոնի Լոս Անճելըսի մասնաճիւղը:
Խիստ այժմէական եւ Հայաստանի անվտանգութեան կարեւորագոյն հարցին նուիրուած այս միջոցառումը« որուն սիրով հրաւիրուած է մեր հանրութիւնը, տեղի պիտի ունենայ Յունիս 4ին, ժամը 7ին, Հոլիվուտի Ս. Կարապետ եկեղեցւոյ «Կարապետեան» սրահին մէջ:

Friday, May 30, 2008

Աղբյուրը` www.asbarez.com

One response so far

One Response to “Այվազեան Արմէնը Պիտի Դասախօսէ Հոլիվուտի Մէջ”

  1. Ardavast Avakianon 17 Sep 2008 at 5:30 pm


    “The naïve loud hysterical clamor for opening Armenia’s border with Turkey does not relate to rational or logical thinking. It has the nice sounds of friendliness with your neighbor and a dubious trade route to the world’s markets. Armenians should have the capability to visualize the result of open borders with Turkey. Giving access to a nation of seventy million (70,000,000) people. The results will then be easy entry for thousands of Turkish businessmen flooding into Hayastan. They will buy homes, businesses, buildings, and whatever. It will allow them to manipulate Armenia’s economy. Eventually, no one will be able to identify the Armenian from the Turk.” The Turkish Government fully understands this. The Turkish government is going to play the “unfriendly part” in not opening the border, until Armenia’s leaders make a move of “understanding first” together with the din of naïve Armenian “sources”.

    Another thought should be considered. There seems to have been a great lack in protecting Armenia’s culture since the creation of the republic in 1990. Armenia’s leaders have been so involved in enriching themselves that they have not had time to defend the nation’s culture. Armenia’s culture has already been contaminated by the west. Not only by governments, but also by Armenians within the diaspora, thinking their culture would bring more “advancement” to Armenia’s culture.

    Below are a few samples of contaminating Armenia’s culture that I presented in an article titled, “Armenia – Nationhood Within Globalization” dated July 23, 2002.

    Radio Free Europe (RFE)

    Radio Free Europe today is not broadcasting freedom. A certain Max Liberty, broadcasting into Armenia in December 2001, promoted bisexualism, porn stars, and religious cults, as well as advising young Armenian youth to practice free sex (Azg, December 10, 2001). This is only one of many ways to destabilize a culture that does not deserve to be contaminated. Does not the Armenian Government notice this? If so, why don’t they file an official complaint to America’s State Department? What is the Armenian Government doing to protect the national character? The United States Government finances Radio Free Europe. Those that wish harm to Armenia have captured today’s Radio Free Europe.


    United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

    This is an American Government financed agency that sent nine black students from North Carolina to Armenia. They taught Armenian youngsters the American electric-slide and hoky-poky dances (ArmeniaWeek Web page, July 5, 2002)

    Some of Armenia’s prominent leaders including Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian have been amoured of joining the European Union and the Council of Europe. They have not been aware that those man made entities were both part of the eventual amalgamation of the “One World Government.” It is the sticky flypaper for catching nations into their control. Now, it is being revealed that the Council of Europe is dictating to Armenia as to how Armenia must govern. Armenia’s foreign ministry has been responsible for that calamity, thinking that Armenia would gain world recognition. Yes, world recognition, participating in a World Government (conspiracy). They have been educated and brainwashed to participate within a single world mentality.

    Isn’t it ironic that an ancient foe such as Iran (having a 28 mile border with southern Armenia) has creating gas lines into Armenia fueling its population with heat. Also trade through their country, with no fear of an invasion into Armenia with their population. In contrast, the west is intent on invading Iran which will definitely harm Armenia.

    Opening the Armenian Turkish border sounds like it would improve Armenia’s economic condition but in reality the final result will be the eventual elimination of Armenia as a free nation, just what Turkey and their allies dream of.

    Ardavast Avakian
    July 18, 2008

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