Interview with Dr. Armen Ayvazyan by Mr. Hamlet Nercissian

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May 28. Armenian military history and the Armenian identity.

One response so far

One Response to “Interview with Dr. Armen Ayvazyan by Mr. Hamlet Nercissian”

  1. Stepan Sargsyanon 07 Jun 2008 at 8:38 pm

    The inexperience and the complete lack of professionalism of this moderator and his TV crew are so repulsive that one feels compelled to close the video. Fortunately, Armen Ayvazyan’s professionalism and insights in discussing the topics balance Hamlet Nercissian, which gives you enough patience to finish the clip. Why does he keep interrupting the guest to offer his 2 cents? Why does he respond to callers’ questions instead of Armen Ayvazyan? Does he think we’re watching this to hear him? Why is the ring of the phones heard on air while the guest is talking? And we already understood that a certain doctor Nazeli will be offering advice against child obesity on Saturday, you don’t have to repeat it 50 times. Though I am not sure how it relates to the discussion topic.

    Hamlet Nercissian’s moderation resembles more the political debates of the elderly in the street’s of Yerevan than a TV program. All that is missing is the board of the backgammon and the sound of dice.

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