Archive for June 12th, 2008

Jun 12 2008

Is Historical Accuracy a Casualty in “East of Byzantium”?

AvarayrA new production is brewing in Hollywood, one that will recreate a much celebrated event from Armenia’s heroic past: the Vartanants War. As was reported in the May 31st edition of The Armenian Reporter, a new film titled “East of Byzantium” is in the planning stage, whose producers are currently holding fundraisers to finance the production. If the roster of the individuals involved in the upcoming production is any indication, the film promises to be in the best traditions of Hollywood’s epic movies: Roger Kupelian, the man behind the visual effects of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Flags of Our Fathers; Serj Tankian from the System of a Down, who will write the music score; comedian Vahe Berberian, etc. In fact, the producers consider the film to be the Armenian “Braveheart”. Surely, such an undertaking deserves applause and all the encouragement and success.

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