Present-Day Problems of the Armenian-Turkish Conflict (Interviews)

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The Ararat Center for Strategic Research is running a series of interviews about the latest interstate developments between Armenia and Turkey. The list of participants includes representatives of the general public, as well as state officials, politicians, public figures and experts.

Anyone willing to participate in the survey can answer the questions at the following address: In your response, please indicate your name, age (optional), profession and place of residence.

Theme 1: Turkey’s policies on the Armenian Genocide issue
Since December 2007, the Ministry of Education of Turkey has been showing a film in Turkish schools, which conveys that historically, Armenians killed the Turkish people. The film has already been seen by about 12 million Turkish students, including students in elementary grades. 600,000 copies of the film’s DVD were distributed to Schools.
1.1. How do you assess this move by the government of Turkey?

1.2. What objectives does Turkey pursue by this action?

1.3. What are the likely consequences of this action?

1.4. Why is the government of Armenia staying silent about this Turkish initiative?

1.5. How should the Armenian authorities respond to this action?

Theme 2: Turkey’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Officials in Armenia and Turkey talk about the development of Armenian-Turkish relations. At the same time, on February 19, 2009, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated that:
a) With regard to the Karabakh conflict, the positions and policies of Turkey and
Azerbaijan are completely identical;
b) Turkey and Azerbaijan have worked out this policy and are implementing it jointly.
At the same time, Azerbaijan does not hide its goal to capture Karabagh.

2.1. What conclusions can be drawn from this statement by Erdogan?

2.2. Why have the authorities and the political parties of Armenia not officially responded to this statement?

2.3. How should the government of Armenia have responded to Erdogan’s statement?

2.4. After this statement by Erdogan, should the authorities of Armenia continue the policy of rapprochement with Turkey?

Theme 3: The invitation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia to Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power plant in Armenia

3.1. In the context of the questions discussed above, how do you assess the February 21, 2009 statement by the Armenian Prime Minister, effectively inviting Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power plant in Armenia?

3.2. What will Armenia gain from Turkey’s participation in the Armenian nuclear power plant construction?

3.3. What national security problems are likely to arise if Turkey does participate in the construction of the nuclear power plant in Armenia?

3.4. Why did the Armenian Prime Minister, on the 12th of March (20 days after his first statement), change his position, stating that Turkey is expected to participate only financially, through the sale of some shares of the new nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

3.5. Do you support the idea of selling shares of the new Armenian nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

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